

i have bipolar disorder, i'm a social worker, a punk rocker, and a buddhist. I love writing, reading, ponies, fashion, and punk rock.
I am constantly trying to sort out the noise in my head.
I live in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
My heart lives in Weetzie Bat L.A.
I write about mental illness, domestic violence, music, and my life.
Thanks for visiting me! And now let's take a trip down Livejournal lane. . . in 2012.
My 105 Truths
1. Full Name- Sheila Jane
2. Like it- hmm maybe?
3. Single or Taken- Taken
4. Zodiac Sign- leo
5. Male or Female-Female
6. Elementary- IHM
7. Middle School- IHM
8. High School- St. Pius
9. Planning on college- I'm old, so I'm done with college. In graduate school.
10. Hair Color-black and red
15. Are you a health freak-No
16. Do you smile a lot- Yes partly because I like smiling and partly when I'm nervous. Flash a smile and people aren't as intimidating to me.
17. Do you have a crush- Sure.
18. Do you like yourself- At this point in my life, I kind of look at myself as an old friend I find really annoying sometimes- but I'm really fascinated and into her!
19. Piercings- all gone except my ears.
20. Tattoos- got em on both arms, shoulders, chest, back, fingers, ankle.
21. Righty or Lefty-Right
22. first surgery- wisdom teeth at 17.
23. first piercings-My ears at 2 yrs.
24. first best friend- tomoko
25. first cell phone- my sister bought it for me my sophmore year in high school.
26. first sport-jump rope for heart!
27. first pet-fish
30. first love- if we are talking one sided love, then probably some random dude at my elementary school.
31. favorite holiday- Halloween
32. favorite food- tacos, white cake
33. favorite memory- my wedding was great.
34. favorite vacation- zihua
35. favorite pastime- reading, writing, crafts, listening to music
36. favorite sport- no interest
37. favorite song- i can't decide, but randomly, "farewell song" by janis joplin popped into my head.
38. favorite hoodie- got a new leopard one at the punk rock bowling fest.
39. favorite saying- for sure, totally, and other valley girl shit.
40. favorite quote- "You're so cool, you're so cool, you're so cool"
41. high fives or what’s ups- what up
42. jeans or sweatpants- jeans
43. music or tv - music
44. Las Vegas or New York- Love em both
45. morning or night- night
46. brothers or sisters- sister
47. movies or plays- movies
48. smiles or frowns - :) but i like a furrowed brow when someone frowns
49. eating- nothing
50. drinking- water
52. listening to- sounds of my dogs snoring
53. waiting for- my nose to get unstuffed
54. wearing- sweaties, white tee, brown long sleeve element tee
55. want kids - no
56. want to get married- done
57. live in a big house- nah, i'm good with a medium house
58. go to college- hell no, never again!
59. live in which state - cali
60. go to Mexico- sure
61. produce music-no
62. visit which country - the world hopefully, starting with japan
63. get braces- lol no
64. be baptized- lol again no, done!
65. plant a tree - maybe
66. learn to surf - sure
67. careers in mind- writer
68. lips or eyes -Eyes
69. hugs or kisses - kisses
70. shorter or taller- taller
71. tan skinned or light- who cares
72. romantic or spontaneous- spontaneous
73. dark or light hair -don't care
76. similar to you or different- similar
77. thrown up on a friend- i think so :(
78. kissed a stranger- haha yes.
80. broken a bone- no
81. climbed up a tree- yes
82. broken someones heart - i think so
83. turned someone down - yes
84. liked a friend as more than a friend - uh yeah.
85. love at first sight- yes
86. yourself- yes
87. miracles- not really
88. a smile can change the world - it can change your world or someone else's world but not THE world
89. Santa Claus- "I don't really miss God but I still miss Santa Claus"
91. angels– no, but i love them- one of my favorite images is an guardian angel
92. are you missing someone? yes
93. who do you love? my pups
94. Are you cool? yes
95. Text message - Vic
96. Received call- work
97. Call made- work
98. Person you slept with - vic
99. Person you hung out with - vic
100. You hugged- vic
102. You smiled at- vic
103. You missed- too many to count!
104. You slapped- hmm no idea
105. TV show you watched- sons of anarchy rerun

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