hello all,
things are well in sheila-land. work is scary and exciting and new.
i am way behind on birthday greetings and decorating.
i think i am spray painting my wicker chairs a nice teal.
yesterday i had a lovely4th, giving the dogs a bath and cleaning house. zak and anna came over for my mole potato enchiladas and strawberry shortcake.
its been just fantastic sleeping in the past two mornings. today vic's friend is coming to visit, and i am headed over to beeps in nob hill for some birthday cards.
my arms are sore as hell from lifting a giant hutch into a truck (some donations for my work). like seriously, i am not cut out for manual labor because i have still not quite mastered lifting with the knees and not the back.
it hurts.
ali has been posting some fuckin amazing recipes at yum yum cooking club. please read this, immediately. and rejoice in the splendor that is ali.
this week the drug policy alliance is having an event in albuquerque, so i will be going to that. . .
the person i am replacing will be leaving on monday, so after that i will be organizing the office with all the power that OCD gives me.
its been a good week. . . how's yours?
Kissy, kissy SHEEEE-LAAALA!
I'm glad you had a happy 4th. Rejoice! I am a cat lady now. Come, give me lovins.
Curious on the actual policy of this Drug Policy business. As a matter of form, how do they feel about legalize vs. do not legalize? For various drugs, I mean? How do YOU feel about it?
I personally find it silly that pot is illegal (OMG am first person ever to say so). Dunno about other stuff. I think that might be a little TOO Libertarian for my tastes, although I find I agree with them in principle more often than one might think I would...
Also, mushrooms. Mushrooms should be legal, IMO. WEEEEEE!!!!
"all the power OCD gives me."... hilARious!
we had a great 4th weekend... lots of relaxing and eating!
read this for more DPA info ali:
if you go to the new mexico page, you will see some cute pics of my sister!
also, i 100% support pretty much every stance they have.
i believe in decriminalization- laws need to change to reflect the current state of the world, with more of an emphasis on human rights and sentences that are actually appropriate for the crime. obviously i believe in treatment over incarceration.
DPA rocks!
missing youuuuuu!!!
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