

my sweet tooth has burned a hole

i haven't been posting much due to a successful job interview (whoo hoo!!) and my impending move. i interviewed with a group called susan's legacy a few weeks ago for a case manager position for women with co-occurring disorders. i was REALLY into it, but they never called me. turns out that they weren't dialing 412 in front of my number, and have been fruitlessly trying to get ahold of me for days lol. i am almost 100% sure i'm going to take the job, except i also have a mortuary receptionist job interview!! and one at a spa. so we'll see what happens!! we are starting to move into our new place. . . i will post pics asap. that is my life at the moment- that and running away from roaches. xo


Anonymous said...

Ooh! Congrats on all the hot jobs lady. My two cents (completely unsolicited, of course) are:

1. Spas are fun. When you work at one, it may become annoying and ruin future spa experiences for you.
2. Mortuary receptionist seems like a step down for you. And I doubt you'll be working for some hot Fisher brothers. And you'll deal with a lot of upset folks.

I'm stoked for yr move. We just got settled in, right in time for the 100 degree heat.

sheil said...

good points, definitely! i guess with the mortuary one, i was really interested because it would be a way in- i'm very interested in doing mortuary cosmetics, when/if i ever go to cosmetology school. but i see what you mean. oh man, its hot as hell here too. i fucking HATE summer. hows your new place??? xoxo